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From: pheeboonpoh@penang.gov.my
Date: February 21, 2012 19:58:24 GMT+08:00
To: "Jimmy C S Lim" <cslcyy@yahoo.co.uk>
Cc: "limmahhui" <limmahhui@gmail.com>, "ybneoh" <ybneoh@guangming.com.my>, "Rebecca Wilkinson" <rebeccaduckett@mac.com>, "Ben Wismen" <ben@seri.com.my>, "yan lee" <leeyan.c@gmail.com>, "Gwynn" <dr.gwynn@gmail.com>, "jeff001@jeffooi.com" <jeff001@jeffooi.com>, "Liew Chin Tong" <chintong@bukitbendera.org>, "Sharanjit Singh" <sharannst@gmail.com>, "Marina Emmanuel" <emmanuelmarina@ymail.com>, "Winnie Yeoh" <winnie@thestar.com.my>, "Joseph Teoh Environt" <freegatemy@gmail.com>, "josephine@thestar.com.my" <josephine@thestar.com.my>
Subject: Re: tree murder
Dear Sir,The Pejabat Perhutanan have submit the reports on these trees. I have expressed my concerns about the disrespect for the local authority especially the JKR. They acted that they are from Federal Govt and hv the authority to do without consultation. However the JKR Penagarah explained that he is not in the picture and promised to investigate.I have also expressed my unhappiness to the SUK, and openly stating my stand that the trees belongs to the State and the local council, Pejabat Perhutanan, landscape comm and DOE must be consulted. Will keep a watchful eye on this issue.RegardsBoon Poh
Sent from my iPadDear Mr Lim,I am thankful that you are interested over this matter.There are many out there who are concerned and interested, frustrated and cannot do anything.The pubic can only watch as totally unconcerned employees from the various Govt. Dept. mutilate trees, the environment and other public properties. There is no real recourse.The hopelessness of trees near your house being cut......was there anything you could have done to stop them? Show them your Councillor's badge perhaps?......or a photo of you shaking hands with the CM halt them?? Nay. It will not work.As a Councillor is there anything effective that you can do sitting in MPPP Council or are you all sitting in there simply as rubber stamps to approve and validate many silly decisions ramrod through for all the wrong reasons? You must feel totally non-effective and heart-broken as the only NGO representative. Knowing that you are there to do a public duty.....to serve the people. Unlike the politicians I am sure you get no "pension" or any benefits after serving.YB Phee is probably the only other State politician who is visibly concerned about the state of the State of Penang. Most others are I am sure also concerned but for reasons best known to themselves are closeted supporters. We are all hopeful that both of you can help to do the almost impossible and return some sanity to the situation in Penang, with environment and its heritage as top of the list.Hopeful, YB Phee will get the cooperation from the various people he has spoken to about the trees being murdered along Jalan Awang and get some answers. If none at all, let the various government officers be put on notice that their unconcerned attitude towards carrying out their responsibilities are being watched by the public.Should this matter continue unabated and trees murdered by anyone including developers who may be friends of the authorities (many we know seem to be camping at the offices of MPPP) the public will be very disappointed. That the change in Govt everyone had hope for was in fact;"dog meat disguised as venison"; and this may be because the Civil Service is the same one set up by the previous Govt. Is there anyway we can have a change in Civil Services personnel instead of a party change? Perhaps it is the Civil Services that had substituted venison with dog -meat all along. If it is not them then it is time they should sing out who is?Thank you for carrying on a thankless task.Warmest regardsJimmy Lim
From: limmahhui <limmahhui@gmail.com>
To: pheeboonpoh@penang.gov.my
Cc: Jimmy C S Lim <cslcyy@yahoo.co.uk>; ybneoh <ybneoh@guangming.com.my>; Rebecca Wilkinson <rebeccaduckett@mac.com>; Ben Wismen <ben@seri.com.my>; yan lee <leeyan.c@gmail.com>; Gwynn <dr.gwynn@gmail.com>; "jeff001@jeffooi.com" <jeff001@jeffooi.com>; Liew Chin Tong <chintong@bukitbendera.org>; Sharanjit Singh <sharannst@gmail.com>; Marina Emmanuel <emmanuelmarina@ymail.com>; Winnie Yeoh <winnie@thestar.com.my>; Joseph Teoh Environt <freegatemy@gmail.com>; "josephine@thestar.com.my" <josephine@thestar.com.my>
Sent: Saturday, 11 February 2012, 12:32
Subject: Re: tree murder
Dear YB PheeI think one of the problems is lack of coordination between different authorities e.g. btw JKR and MPPP, MPSP etc. I am told that many of the trees that are cut down (for example outside my housein Jalan Choong Lye Hin) were done by JKR who have been quite indiscriminate about the cutting and "pruning" of trees. As JKR is under the state and federal control, I hope that they beroped in and be more mindful of these problems.SincerelyLim Mah HuiDear Jimmy,My sincere apology for the late reply. I have ask all the revelant Dept to submit the report.Regards,Boon PohPS I have a private discussion with Timbalan Dato SUK, YAB CM, Dato Tungku who is in charge of Botany Garden on various regarding the slaughtering of trees in Penang. TQVM
Sent from my iPadDear Ms Neoh,HoKwang Wah Jit Poh,I have read the article.What do you want me to say?My observations:1 Chopping down big trees is big business. Each tree should fetch about between RM5 - 8 K. Depending on the size of it.30 year old Angsana's should yield about between 4-5 tons of timber and at say RM2-3 K per ton you get how much each tree will be.2 So how many trees were earmarked for chopping? Was it 20? At say RM10 K per tree that is RM200,000 into someone's or a syndicate's pocket.3 Who do you think these syndicates or individuals may be??4 The Authorities must be really serious. This is not the first time it has happened and it is rampant in Penang. I admire Mr Phee. But nothing gets done. We should ask him when was the last time that MPPP fined anyone for tree chopping?5 The tree in Bagan at Gottlieb Road. The tree at Peel Ave opposite the 991 Home of the Reserves. The ones at Kelawei Rd in front of a new development. There was another one at Burmah Road near Codrington Ave opposite Jones Road.....the list goes on.6 Yes MPPP planted some trees at Carnarvon St.....watch those trees! They will be cut in another eight to twelve years' time. There will be some reasons given....."the ground is too soft for such big trees to be planted as it will be unsafe in the bad weather. It might topple over and kill someone".7 This is not an uncommon practice. It is done in KL regularly. DBKL goes around chopping the ansaganas planted during Tan Sri Elyas Omar's term as Datuk Bandar. With the rising price of timber these 'urban orchards' must bring in a lot of money for someone.8 Angsanas I am told are called Burmese Rosewood. Very beautiful especially for furniture making.Is this why they are chopped? or Murdered.....for money.
From: ybneoh <ybneoh@guangming.com.my>
To: cslcyy@yahoo.co.uk
Sent: Wednesday, 8 February 2012, 14:07
Subject: tree murder
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