Wednesday, 22 February 2012

construction lorong prangin n lorong ikan with planning permission

Is this actually OK at buffer zone heritage area? I wonder what's the safety guideline for construction around heritage area. What's the ALLOWED distance between construction & the heritage houses as there's totally no safety barricade around the construction site even when they are close to less than 3m from the heritage building wall! Worried!
 ·  ·  · 11 February at 15:42
    • Yee Li Ong is there a safety guideline and construction guideline in heritage for public to purchase or study? someone please help. thanks
      11 February at 16:15 ·  ·  1
    • Rebecca Wilkinson HI Joyce See Kai Xin. Where is this? Are they piling?!
      11 February at 16:55 · 
    • Lucas Low It's at the Lorong Prangin & Lorong Ikan corner land. Very near to Sia Boey/Prangin Canal - next lane. Yes, they are doing piling since a week ago. It's gotten so near that we are so worried as many of them doesn't seem to wear safety helmet & wearing flip flops during working. - Joyce See Kai Xin.
      11 February at 17:16 · 
    • Jan van der Heijden Another irresponsible contractor. Walls of neigboring houses will inevitably crack with heavy machinery like this.
      11 February at 18:21 · 
    • Joyce See Kai Xin actually I need to know where we can get the safety guideline & construction guideline. At least finding out what's the SAFE PARAMETER DISTANCE that they should follow, as we have problem sleeping at night with this monster at the back and dangling with a big box there. Today they are parking right behind our exit door. If there's strong wind tonight...sigh.. Felt so not safe.
      11 February at 19:50 · 
    • Yee Li Ong the universal construction by-law apply in Malaysia is UBBL 1984 but I do not sure whether does GT heritage zone apply the same thing or GT has a special by law for it own. you can buy the latest UBBL 1984 in MPH, border, or Bookzone in Penang Plaza. call before you purchase, in case out of stock. or you can search online to pre-read, dont get confuse of our government england.
      Malaysia UBBL 1984. Law Book by jerrycl
      11 February at 20:35 · 
    • Lim Cheok Siang Jimmy Safety guidelines are "virtual". If the consultants are vigilante they will insist that the contractor observe good practices. The LKS riverand environmental abuse and diversion is a fine example of consultants' vigilance. Generally consultants in Malaysia in general but those in Penang in particularly sensitive to the needs of their clients and knowing which side of their bread is buttered. MPPP may have some hidden safety guidelines to be used only in the event of any emergency.
      11 February at 23:05 · 
    • Gwynn Jenkins Please take your concern to GTWHI and 11th floor Komtar - if no luck ask for advise through the newspapers -there are regulations for conservation held by the heritage department, but they do not give this advice. Each development like this has to write an Impact Assessment and put forward their proposal to avoid damage - this is given to the technical review panel to look at - if given the green light the One Stop Committee can then legalise the work - then it needs monitoring to see if the promises made in the HIA are followed - so you ned to check with the heritage Unit to see if the HIA was approved and if it is being followed- GTWHI should also know. If it is not following the HIA or the HIA was not approved then you can chase MPPP to do the necessary. Good luck -
      12 February at 00:13 · 
    • Yee Li Ong has anyone have a look of the site? heard crack appeared in the neighbor lots.
      15 February at 22:02 · 
    • Gwynn Jenkins Better inform GTWHI they are monitoring
      16 February at 00:50 · 
    • Nikhil Joshi interesting! the huge development next to Loke Mansion paid over a million to the LM owners for the inconvenience caused to them, as told to me by reliable sources ;) may be it only happens in GT if you are rich & powerful!! ;)
      16 February at 01:00 ·  ·  1
    • Nikhil Joshi Gwynn: I like your detailed reply but I guess it will be too late by the time all that is done ;) I still remember demolition of heritage bungalow in GT by the big KL developer. All that was done in a night, right? ;)
      16 February at 01:04 · 
    • Yee Li Ong if im not wrong, they have already informed Hijjas last week, he said will arrange the building department officer to have a look but no update until today.
      16 February at 07:43 · 
    • Rebecca Wilkinson Nikhil Joshi. Loke Villa. Your sources are maybe not completely reliable. Hunza is paying for the restoration works- now ongoing- caused by their development & the dewatering of the site- as it should be! This was only after much discussion & to'ing & fro'ing. This restoration is being monitored very carefully. Hunza has not paid out any money. In my opinion it is Council who should be responsible for having allowed the damage to continue over such a long period despite owners & tenants & all attached to the Loke Villa, having made complaints, sending out photos of damage etc etc. There is still a big question as to why developers are continually allowed to damage neighbouring sites with no comeback form council. Cranes fall & kill people, 'small' people get bullied into not complaining......this is all morally wrong. Compensation in much larger sums than a mere million are required.
      16 February at 12:53 ·  ·  1
    • Joyce See Kai Xin As of 14 Feb evening, tar road outside of the construction area (less than a meter outside the construction site) was found to have a hole and water was seen leaking out non-stop. As of this morning, after when the lorry that carried the piling pipes went off, a bigger hole was spotted with more water flowing out. The "BERHENTI" sign & the Chinese flags that are located at the corner of Lorong Ikan & Lorong Prangin had fell off as of 14 Feb 2012 as well. Red paint was disposed on the grass & the crane had walked all over the site with red stains everywhere. It looked as though like blood all over the floor and was such an eyesore to see the chemical waste & other building materials had not been properly disposed. Such a shame that they didn't even care to wear any PPE and even spotted smoking when construction is going on. Barricade is still missing since the day they started on 3 Feb 2012. If they couldn't care less about their own safety, do you think they will care about the public safety and the heritage houses?
      16 February at 16:03 · 

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