Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Fwd: Planning permission for SOHO

From: Patahiyah Bt Ismail <hiyah@mppp.gov.my>
Date: June 4, 2012 13:24:28 GMT+08:00
To: yan lee <leeyan.c@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Planning permission for SOHO
Reply-To: Patahiyah Bt Ismail <hiyah@mppp.gov.my>

Yes definitely. I have already asked our planning dept to prepare guidelines on this. Thank you for sharing the info and ideas.
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone

From: yan lee <leeyan.c@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2012 11:22:39 +0800
To: Patahiyah Bt Ismail<hiyah@mppp.gov.my>
Subject: Re: Planning permission for SOHO


Thank you for allowing me to speak about this matter during our meeting last week.

The main issue being that all the affordable housing requirements are waived because it is submitted as commercial. I know there is no legislation in anyway to prevent this, but MPPP can issue guidelines and guidelines can prevent this abuse.

In summary advantages will be:-
1. no surau requirements
2. No community hall requirements
3. Affordable housing guidelines, contributions to build affordable housing
4. Open space requirements
5. Buyers paying commercial rates for TNB etc [they will turn around and blame MPPP for allowing this abuse of process.

Currently , nothing that prevents developers from saying selling as office space, We are highlighting to you that this is a possible loophole that urgently needs to be plugged.

Please advise CM and SPC of same.


On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 6:45 AM, Patahiyah Bt Ismail <hiyah@mppp.gov.my> wrote:
Mr Yew dan Tn Hj Roslan, ambil perhatian berkaitan email berkaitan SOHO yang dikemukakan kepada CM. Harap kaji perkara ini dan jika ada masa, kita boleh beri sedikit maklumat dalam perbincangan yang akan diuruskan oleh Cik Noorhanis nanti. Tkasih
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone

From: yan lee <leeyan.c@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 06:37:31 +0800
Cc: YDP MPPP<hiyah@mppp.gov.my>; <chowkonyeow@penang.gov.my>; Andrew Yong<andrew@yong.at>; Koay Teng Hai<koaytenghai@gmail.com>; Liew Chin Tong<chintong@bukitbendera.org>
Subject: Planning permission for SOHO


We refer to the above.

May I be so bold as to share with you that the Penang developers have been submitting plans for SOHO, which is commonly known as [small office, home office], this is a brilliant concept an innovation from Penang.

We would like MPPP and SPC to look into the following matters :-

1. SOHO submitted as commercial.

2. Commercial submission, increased in plot ratio, normal residential is 2.8:1, for example Belleview's project at Pulau Tikus is 5:1

3. Commercial building's or office buildings car park required is 1 car park per 1000sqft build up area.

4. We now have a SOHO style development, during the day office and at night residential.

5. We need more car parks per unit

6. We need common area car parks for people coming to the offices.

7. We are not against development but sustainable development.

8. A study should be done by MPPP to consider other amenities required for SOHO developments, as we are now talking about accomodation for people as well as small office.

9. I stand corrected by if its submitted under commercial, no requirement for contribution to affordable housing required ?? SOHO is part residential, my view is that contribution for affordable housing must also be implemented.

10. Public amenities like community halls etc, surau.

In essence what we are trying to put across is that these SOHO projects need a new classification, it is both residential and commercial. It is important that adequate car parking is provided for. We need to look at the formation of MC as being commercial lot of issues are not covered by the Housing Developers Act. We are concern that in the future SOHO projects will become slumps. We do not want that for Penang.

YB Koay on behalf of the residence of the Pulau Tikus area, we thank you for listening to us. The other party would have not bothered. I am glad that you considered my request to meet with the residence, without fear or favour shows to the people that the PGGOV practise CAT, the residents were rather aggressive in the beginning, because no one had bothered to engage them. As things were explained they were much calmer.As you are aware the Penang people are a very intelligent lot.We hope to hear from you soon for a date for another meeting.


Yan C Lee
Penang FORUM Steering committee
Advisor to CHANT
Penang 'LANG'

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