Friday, 15 June 2012

CHANT supports reducing density to avoid traffic jams and flooding, the more they build the worst it gets

the more they build more people get too live closer together in harmony, high density like HongKong, wonderful. through years see how Hong Kong people are they are so courteous n helpful.

Worst part is high density suppose to be with affordable housing, but how will the gov of the day control and not allow any abuse by developers.

We all know that both during BN times and now PGGOV, there has been abuses in LMC quotas etc etc who can buy, pay money to who to buy. No one police this, at the end Developers abuse the process n enrich themselves at the expense of your rakyat, both BN and PKR take note.

SOHO, commercial but being used as residences, yes u r right no law says that u cannot turn commercially zoned property to become a residence. Think of the mess, a block of mess, having office, cafe karaoke together with residences. Dont forget whole land zone commercial, my next door neighbour decides to turn what looks like an apartment to a "redbox" setup with blarring music. Legally he is allowed to do so.

Why commercial because can get to build more plot ratio 5 to 1. at the end all loopholes for developer to make money, may be morally wrong. But money in pocket, ok la.

commercial no need to allow for open space, surau, community hall. aiyo so many things can short cut

BN PKR.. all the same, we Malaysian all the same, make $$$$$$$$ screw your neighbours.

BN n PKR u blind or .......
 ·  ·  · 2 hours ago · 

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