Saturday, 10 March 2012

Ways to deal with the conservation of buildings - wat about land swap

what is a fair solution as YB Chow said that , not fair for developer to buy the land and later find that they cannot demolish the building. 

pls give us your comments.
 ·  ·  ·  · 6 March at 11:03
  • Ching Seng Lee likes this.
    • Diana Boon In the first place, guidelines should be in placed so that the developer knows what he is getting and buildings in that land can/cannot be demolish. That is a responsible govt.
      6 March at 14:29 ·  ·  2
    • Diana Boon Developer can make building part of their development to maintain its history
    • Yee Li Ong show us the local plan then we know we wont buy wrong land.
    • Diana Boon Penang Heritage is only asking developers/builders to preserve its history and heritage areas and buildings as part of your vision of development for Penang. It has got nothing to do with purchasing the right or wrong land.
    • Yee Li Ong ops... I got it wrong. mppp should set the line clear. so it is a responsible of government.
    • Rebecca Wilkinson 
      The problem lies in the fact that the 'heritage list' inventory has not been updated. This is wrong & shortsighted of the authorities. Barely any of our wonderful buildings are actually 'listed' let alone 'protected'. It is for this reason ...See more
      Wednesday at 16:17 ·  ·  1
    • Gwynn Jenkins 
      I find it fascinating that there is an assumption that you can do what you like with your land and or property. Not the case -even if your family have owned it for generations. So much energy goes into imagining possibilities, that those up...See more
      Wednesday at 19:42 ·  ·  1
    • Rebecca Wilkinson Exactly Gywnn! The fact that you cannot just do what you want is, granted, frustrating at times but at the same time, here in Penang with all these lovely places, it should push us all to think out of the box & create really wonderful things! The potential for a well thought out union of old & new in development is long tern, a wonderful investment
    • Khoo Salma 
      According to Malaysian Town & Country Planning Act, a permit is required to demolish ANY building and this permit is usually given with planning permission. Planning permission is given provided all conditions are met, and public interest i...See more
      Thursday at 13:56 ·  ·  1
    • Citizen Chant I have a friend who is struggling to survive as biz is bad and his dad left him a piece of land worth 500 per sqft. There is a old building on this land, he vant demolish it. No one wants to buy his land because of this, he was only offrered 100 per sqft.
      2 hours ago ·  ·  1
    • Citizen Chant is this fair to this poor guy, his wife and five kids r suffering one of the kids have a genetic heart defect as well.
      2 hours ago ·  ·  1
    • Citizen Chant what can u all suggest some solution a fair win win holistic solution, our PGGOVs fav phrases.
      2 hours ago · 
    • Citizen Chant wat about a land swap, the state owns land, swap land with the land owner . Can be land of equivalent value.
      23 seconds ago · 

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