Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Fwd: 20 Lebuhraya Pykett Penang Illegal demolition of building

Begin forwarded message:

From: chowkonyeow@penang.gov.my
Date: February 17, 2011 12:27:48 GMT+08:00
To: "yan lee" <leeyan.c@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: 20 Lebuhraya Pykett Penang Illegal demolition of building
Reply-To: chowkonyeow@penang.gov.my

Yes MPPP has issued the order last week
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

-----Original Message-----
From: yan lee <leeyan.c@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 11:48:04
To: <chowkonyeow@penang.gov.my>; YDP MPPP<hiyah@mppp.gov.my>
Cc: <limguaneng@penang.gov.my>; Yew Tung Seang<tsyew@mppp.gov.my>; Noorhanis Bt Noordin<hanis@mppp.gov.my>; Shamiah Binti Haji Bilal<shbilal@mppp.gov.my>; Penang Heritage Trust<info@pht.org.my>
Subject: Re: 20 Lebuhraya Pykett Penang Illegal demolition of building

YB Chow

My neighbours are enquiring as to whether an order had been issued by
MPPP for the land owners of 20 Pykett Avenue to rebuild the illegaly
demolished bungalow pursuant to section 27 of the Town & Country
Planning Act.

We were informed at the meeting mentioned below that MPPP was going to
issue the NOTICES on the 1/2/11.

Please advise.


On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 6:05 PM, Yan Lee <leeyan.c@gmail.com> wrote:

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On Jan 27, 2011, at 16:14, yan lee <leeyan.c@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear sirs

Last night the residents of Pykett, Westland and Khaw Sim Bee area had
a dialogue with the state government , led by YB CHOW and MPPPs'
senior personnel.

They were kind enough to meet us the rakyat and share what is
happening with the abovementioned property.

The stand is clear, the small fine is going to send the wrong message
to all developers in town, especially now that we are a UNESCO
Heritage city.

MPPP informed us that action will be taken against the land owner. As
a matter of PUBLIC INTEREST as the prices of land increases, the small
fines or even monetary penalty do not work as a deterrent. All
Planning Permission for the abovementioned land is currently frozen.
Be a deterrent if planning permission for the land can be suspended
for a period of 10 years or more.

Our State government has done us proud, standing up to corporate
entities who are wealthy, powerful and well connected.

We also highlighted that this area is prone to flooding and a Traffic
Impact Assesment study must be undertaken, as this development is in
between 2 main arterial route from town to Tanjung Bungah, namely
Burma Road and Macalister Road. 2 main points in our comprehensive
objection document filed with MPPP.

What raised eyebrows was that when we were informed of the new State
policy, which may allow density of areas which has 30 units per acre
be increased to 87 units per acre. I stand corrected on this, as I do
not recall reading about this in the press. Some of the residence
highlighted that they have been living in this area for some 40 to 50
years. It has always been double storey houses in this area now an
application for planning permission is being made for 4 towers 30
storey each. This is double the height of the TNB offices on Anson
Road a commercial area.

Our question to the landowner is why not build landed, terrace houses,
semi-D's and/or bungalows, maybe out of towners don't know we in
Penang love and can pay for landed properties. A high end GATED and
GUARDED development in town, valuable !!

The RULE OF LAW must prevail.

Thank you for a new Malaysia

Yan Lee
Penang BOY
Resident of Pykett

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