Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Penang Forum 4 - 8 resolutions


The Penang Forum 4 event on Saturday raised a host of planning and development issues and stimulated intense discussion. Concerned participants wrapped up the day by adopting eight resolutions.

The following resolutions were adopted by participants of the Penang Forum 4: Development and Good Governance event on 18 December 2011 at the Caring Society Complex, Penang.

Recognising that the current Penang state government, the MPPP and the MPSP have increased their efficiency and effectiveness and introduced some praiseworthy measures such as the open-tender system, the No-Plastic Bags and Styrofoam policy, the Car-Free Days, the Penang Speakers' Square

Appreciating that there is now more space for civil society groups and arts and culture to flourish,

Mindful of the present lopsidedness in federal-state powers and the limited financial resources of the state and local government,

However, alarmed by the increasing susceptibility of the government to the neo-liberal global and local forces pushing a certain top-down, mega projects-driven approach to development that often pays scant regard to sustainable development principles, and

Conscious of the need for a more people-centred, sustainable and greener approach to development based on the real needs of the people,

We, the participants of Penang Forum 4, call upon the Penang state government and municipal councils to

  1. implement a planned and more systematic, holistic and sustainable development process,
  2. institute a more participatory planning process, including organising a series of workshops to educate and engage the public on draft Local Plans prior to their approval;
  3. impose a moratorium on highrise and high density buildings until such time that the Local Plans have been approved by the Penang people.
  4. address and resolve the problems of the various residents associations especially by implementing independent social, environmental and traffic impact assessments for new projects;
  5. formulate land-use and land reclamation policies that would ensure that the state maintains effective control over land-use planning and protects its long-term financial interests to serve the best interests of ordinary Penangites, in particular marginalised and vulnerable groups, including the provision of sufficient affordable housing, public parks, and social amenities;
  6. formulate innovative yet prudent independent fiscal policies that would allow the state/local government to generate and conserve financial resources for projects that would bring about the maximum long-term benefit to local communities;
  7. address the poor integration of transport within the town planning and land-use planning policies; and
  8. ensure the prompt enforcement of legislation for the violation of any laws or by-laws.

Participants of Penang Forum 4
18 December 2011

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud to be a Penangite and attending the Penang Forum added to my list of reasons to return home after living more than three decades abroad.

    The quality and sophistication of the debate, the desire to promulgate good governance and clean politics, understanding the 'big picture', the leadership, passion, vision, co-operation and human warmth all just blew me away.

    Thank you friends, thank you Penang. This is a very very special place. Let's work to keep it that way.

    A very happy and productive New Year to all of you.

