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we are a group who by chanting hope to bring awareness to the people of Penang and make this a better island. We are A political and concern for our heritage and environment
Monday, 26 November 2012
Thestar 261112 on 87 units per acre density
每英畝87單位房屋密度政策 4類別範圍區沒牽涉
丹絨武雅海灘酒店至Mar Vista一帶、遊客區如新關仔角、阿逸布爹及亞依淡州選區的分界線一帶不受影響,后者接近升旗山及極樂寺等旅遊景點。
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87 units per acre housing density the policy 4 categories range is not involved
The announced (Penang, the 25th) Penang Local Government Committee Chairman Caoguan You areas of the World Heritage area, tourist areas, low density residential uses conversion lot, not subject to the policy implications of the "housing density of 87 units per acre.
Dan the velvet Wu Yahai Beach Hotel to the Mar Vista area, tourist areas such as the the New Gurney, of Ah Yat cloth father and Asia in accordance with pale State constituency boundaries along the unaffected, which is close to attractions such as Penang Hill and Kek Lok Si Temple.
In addition, involving the conversion of use of land, such as agricultural use converted to residential use, not application to enhance density to 87 units per acre.
From June 28, 2010 execution date, a total of 14 housing projects approved under this policy, and another 17 applications in an audit.
Caoguan You say, "housing density of 87 units per acre" policy only applies to the original density per acre, 30 units of medium-density residential area.
Allow homebuyers the choice
He held a press conference in Penang Island City Hall this morning, so to speak. Those present included Penang PUC main 席拿督巴达雅 on behalf of the Secretary of Qiubao Yi the construction director You Duanxiang and director of the Planning and Development Department Roseland.
He said that, in line with the policy of "housing density of 87 units per acre housing program, limited the maximum construction area of 122,000 square feet.
"The policy aims to encourage the construction of more affordable housing, various options for the different needs of homebuyers and developers for housing balance, not just focus on luxury apartments."
He said, controlled housing program under 87 units per acre density policy, 25% of the unit price, the highest per unit price of RM10, 400,000 (5% of the units), RM300, 000 (15% of the units) and RM200, 000 (5% of the units.)
In housing projects must also be responsible for 30% of low-cost housing or in low-cost housing built in the same county, and the construction of community infrastructure and parking spaces, and traffic impact assessment report approved.
Pattaya: the Baiji Road tall buildings plan approved did was planning book
Pattaya, the earlier controversy Baiji Road high-rise plan did not present planning book, and therefore has not been approved.
She said that the developer can not apply for the residential area forming (established) to increase the density to 87 units per acre.
In July of the previous year, the developers removed without Council approval Xu heart US mansion in Baiji Road, Lot, accusations that the lot will be the construction of high-density high-rise plan, opposition from local residents.
Caoguan You also said that since May 1, 1994, the density of low-cost housing scheme of up to 120 units per acre, in one case for five Lusi Li Shao Jianuo HDB.
He said, can apply even in the period of the former administration, the housing program of 60 units per acre, an increase of 30%, but did not cause too much controversy.
Penang Island, a 20-year increase Yu Wan housing
Caoguan You said that, under the policy of the housing density of 87 units per acre, in the next 20 years, 270 acres of medium-density residential area in Penang Island will increase by up to 15,360 housing units.
"In terms of per acre of the original 30 units, the lot will be built up to 8100 units, if the application to increase the density to 87 units per acre, will be the construction of up to 23,490 units, means an increase of 15,360 housing units, or yearly increase in 768 units. "
The policy implications Lot 270 acres of land in Penang Island 0.37%, the policy did not limit the application to increase the density to a minimum of 87 units of land area.
"If the land is 0.5 acres, you can build 43 units, and so on."
Caoguan You said that, prior to the implementation of the above policy, there can improve the density to 60 units per acre, or 100 units (including indigenous additional allow units) precedent.
Penang Island Municipal Council pursuant to 87 units per acre housing density
housing plan approved location to (June 28, 2010)
Choi Yiu before Road
2 Middle Road
3. Cheung Tak Road
. Thunderbolt cold.
5 Newport
6. Gan Mishan Project (2)
7 Michael Barbalas Valley
8 Jelutong Road Project (2)
9. Lung Mei Road
10. Parkway after
Tanjung Daoguang Road, 11.
12 Pantai provoke Nga Road
Subscribe to Chinese newspaper, please call of Mr Lim Ying Kiang (019-2608077) or e-mailyklim@chinapress.com.my
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